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Moveable Yoga
Moveable at Factory Tøyen offers yoga classes focusing on the back, neck, shoulders, and hips.
Sessions begin with mindful breathing before moving into energizing sequences set to a mix of world music, hip hop, and electronic beats.
Christina emphasizes that yoga is for everyone and adapts the practice to individual needs.
Good to know
Classes are held on the 4th floor of Factory Tøyen, Entrance A (front of the building). If the door is closed, ring the Factory Tøyen buzzer and take the elevator to the 4th floor. Call 986 19 633 if needed.
Bring your own mat or rent one for 25 kr.
Change in the yoga room or restroom. A shower is available on another floor.
Enjoy a 30% discount at Håndbakt café on the 1st floor after class.
Stay and work or study at Factory Tøyen for free for the rest of the day.
Classes are held in English if needed.
Ingen pas i dag
Fantastisk start på dagen!
Tidenes fineste måte å starte dagen på! Christina har en fantastisk energi, og timene er morsomme, utfordrende og deilige!